About Us

PT. SKY TEKNOLOGI INDONESIA is a specialized company in the field of professional drone technology, Video and Photography and IT. We support from selling, consulting, any drone services and training. We are the best solution to save cost where we have ability to do the
lowest, high, up to underwater shooting with the experienced pilots, cameramen and editor. We are professional licensed drone pilot which also provide training to your team, so that they able to use the drone with efficiently and safety. We also experience in IT programming training and
system development to support industrial 4.0 activity in your company

Address. : Orchard Boulevard Street, Ruko Tunas 2 Block
A-3A, Batam City, Batam Riau Island Province – Indonesia
Phone No : +62-778-4173297
Website. : www.skytekindonesia.com
Email : sales@skytekindonesia.com
Shop. : Skytech